Michael Loose

Michael Loose, M. Eng.

Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Chair of Electronics (Prof. Dr. Weigel)

Room: Room 03.240
Cauerstraße 9
91058 Erlangen

Curriculum vitae

Michael Loose completed his bachelor’s and master’s degree in electrical engineering and information technology with a specialization in communications engineering at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt in October 2021. Since December 2021, he has been working as a research associate at the Institute for Electronics Engineering in the High Power Applications team (RCOM-HP).

Research areas

  • RF power amplifiers
  • RF measurements
  • Simulation
  • Circuit design


  • 2023: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Student Design Competition First Place Award in the category "High-Efficiency Power Amplifier" (IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society (MTT-S))
  • 2022: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Student Design Competition First Place Award in the category "High-Efficiency Power Amplifier" (IEEE Microwave Theory & Technology Society (MTT-S))
